Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Written communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Composed correspondence - Assignment Example gement and laborer insurance, and representative work relations, it is my conviction that the most significant one that I will use in my future vocation is that of ability the board and advancement. As we considered, an association or firm is just as fruitful as the individuals who work there. Along these lines, understanding that the thankfulness for and advancement of this ability is the greatest deciding component for whether a firm or association will succeed or not encourages me to put this class as the absolute generally significant as far as HR the executives. The association is eventually comprised of individuals that must be proficient, skilled, and helpful towards accomplishing the objectives that are set before it. Thusly, endeavoring to build up these abilities and applying ability the executives and advancement aptitudes to the work environment is a manner by which the whole HR the board procedure would itself be able to be made simpler. In many cases this is misconstrued because of the way that individuals feel that ability the board and advancement just identifies with attempting to recruit gifted individuals. However, the truth is that employing capable individuals is just the initial step. On the off chance that one assumes control over HR the board from someone else, they will be required to not just recruit new individuals now and again, yet above all to work with existing representatives (Younger 2007). Along these lines, the most significant activity that the HR administrator has is working with current representatives and he lping them to target key regions of advancement and develop themselves. This degree of progress is what is comprehended as a success win circumstance for both the business and the worker. This is because of the way that when the business spends the assets important to prepare or build up a current worker, they get the advantage of having a progressively gifted representative inside the firm without the need to enlist another person to play out a similar activity or capacity that they have prepared the current representative for. This is one of the most significant ways that

Saturday, August 22, 2020

SARS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SARS - Essay Example Different individuals from the coronavirus bunch are known to cause normal cold and croup in people (Ramanujan K, 2009). SARS has picked up consideration for the way that inside half a month it spread from the Guangdong area of China and contaminated human populace in 37 nations around the globe (Smith, 2006). Signs and Symptoms: Initial side effects with coronavirus (SARS-CoV) envelop influenza like fever, Myalgia, laziness, gastrointestinal indications, hack, sore throat and other ambiguous side effects. The side effects regular to all patients is fever over 38 C, brevity of breath. Side effects don't happen promptly however show up inside 2-10 days following introduction and around 10-20% cases require mechanical ventilation. History: Infection by SARS-CoV (called as SARS-related coronavirus) was first distinguished in Hong Kong, US and Germany (Ksiazek, Drosten, Peiris 2003a, Poutanen). It was first seen in Chinese territory of Guangdong and was universally provided details regarding eleventh February 2003 (WHO, WER 11/2003). At first it was thought to be related to a recently rose flu infection.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Movie Rental Industry Essay Example

Film Rental Industry Essay Film Rental Industry Netflix and Blockbuster Case Analysis Lydia Floyd Strategic Management MGT422 February 28, 2013 Introduction Netflix serious methodology In request for Netflix to comprehend were the business lies as it identifies with the opposition it is critical to look for the right procedure so as to be and remain serious. The five serious methodologies are * Low-Cost * Broad Differentiation * Best-Cost * Focused specialty dependent on ease * Focused specialty dependent on separation Since every technique requires absolutely an alternate moved toward my suggestions will be founded on centered specialty based around separation. Netflix initially offered DVD’s on a charge for every DVD premise and in the end expand into the month to month membership administration business. The organization at one point was guage to have more than 11. 3 million supporters by 2009 and 8 million VOD (Video on Demand) clients by 2013. (See Exhibit 1) This display fundamentally shows how the quantity of video spilling decisions has expanded in the course of recent years. So the organization is moving the correct way to the extent widen their separation system. The following display shows how Netflix looks at to the its primary rivalry and how the company’s net overall revenue surpasses a contender like Blockbuster. The appended SWOT examination for Netflix makes reference to some significant focuses that are related with an engaged separation procedure. The organization is remaining dedicated to how to support the specialty superior to the opposition and addresses the zones that intrigue to explicit clients, for example, offering administrations that permit endorsers of return to direct scenes of a TV arrangement. We will compose a custom article test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Movie Rental Industry explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This investigation will permit the organization to distinguish regions to focus on deliberately and to make a last analysis to where the organization stands in general. Qualities * Increasing rivalry per part seeing is on the * Customers’ quitting is the least it has ever been. * Clearest brand character Watch TV shows films whenever, anywhere† * Netflix has outperformed the rivalries in improving personalization of client decisions on account of enormous enrollment base * Price $7. 99 every month * Exclusive Content: Of Netflixs top ten TV appears, six are just on Netflix, and not accessible with contenders. Netflixs DVD membership administration is very beneficial, with commitment edges around half. * Services permit clients to go right back to the start of the principal season for TV shows Weaknesses * DVD memberships are down 8. 47 million endorsers in Q3, 2012 contrasted with 13. 81 million endorsers 1 year prior. * Brand endured when the organization changed the ev aluating * It could take three years for a full brand recuperation so as to see perceptible distinction to overall revenues * Streaming membership commitment edges are a lot of Opportunities International development (worldwide) * Original creations offer a route for the organization to associate with client feelings. Organization will offer 4 TV arrangement this year that might be on Netflix * Lack of utilization of charge and Visas Latin America. * Internet TV. Dangers * As Hastings brought up, With large markets comes rivalry There is a reasonable change from direct TV to Internet TV and contenders need to partake in the benefits. * Contracts with Disney, Sony, and Universal * Hulu, offers its clients TV shows following they are publicized just because. Hulu, Amazon, and HBO contenders making more interests in spilling alternatives * United Kingdom is an extremely serious â€Å"The looked for after upper hand over other film rental contenders was to convey convincing client wort h and consumer loyalty by disposing of the issue engaged with picking rent and bringing movies back. Develop forward the organization has 2 essential key target 1 to keep on growing a huge DVD membership business and to extend quickly to web based conveyance of substance as that market fragment created. (Case page c-102) The company’s income has kept on developing significantly over that most recent few years. The following displays show the budgetary situation from the finish of 2006 to end of 2008 going from 996,660 to 1,364,661 with the overall gain edge being at 6. 1% by 2008 which shows the organization gainfulness as it identifies with costs and liabilities. The following two slides simply give a visual for where Netflix analyzes to blockbuster as it identifies with deals through 2010 Reference Page Thompson , A. College of Alabama 2008 Case 5 Competition in the Movie Rental Industry in 2008: Neflix and Blockbuster fight for showcase authority http://beta. fool. com/danielsparks/2012/10/31/netflix-swot-examination/15522/http://www. slideshare. net/only1kiku/techindnetflix Gamble, John E. , Strickland, A. J. , Thompson, Arthur A. , 2010 Crafting and Executing Strategy McGraw Hill/Irwin New York New York http://money. hurray. com/q? s=NFLXql=1

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Women in Frankenstein and Heart of Darkness - 1100 Words

Portrayal of Women in 'Frankenstein' and 'Heart of Darkness' (Essay Sample) Content: ClientProfessorCourseDateWomen in 'Frankenstein' and 'Heart of Darkness': Gendered Silence Shaping Narrative DevelopmentPost-colonial literature has always embedded contemporary politics incorporating various thematic-schemas in its narrative structure, such as individuality, inequality, obsession, alienation and a sense of consciousness. Post-colonial narrative delineates the construction of other the space, constructed by Imperial and Colonial hegemony, where politically marginalized characters find refuge CITATION Spivak \l 1033 (Spivak). In these narratives, women, once the object of the hegemonic gaze, find an alternative/subaltern space as being existentially other. Hence, this essay will try to describe how Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, written at the threshold of the 19th century and Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, written at the end of 19th century, exploit post-colonial literary symptoms for the production of this other and place female characters in tha t domain to give them a narrative voice, a narrative presence. In doing so, as the essay further argues, these narratives often dissolve the dichotomy of socially constructed male / female conjecture.Women of Victorian England, historically documented as contented in household activities, were the influence behind Conrads female characters. Thus, Conrad never allowed his female characters to come to the center of the plot CITATION BIS09 \p 154 \l 1033 (Biswas 154). This is exactly the same for Heart of Darkness where sketchy and almost under-developed women protagonists always take the back-seat without having any role to play in the colonial exercises. They are nameless, they are often mute, they are ignored of their subjective presence and known to us through their relation to men; thus, they are only Marlows old aunt, Kurtzs Intended and Kurtzs African Mistress.Though Conrads own journey into the Congo has supplied the inspiration behind the central theme of the novel, no blac k African character is illustrated in the text except Kurtzs African Mistress. This nameless character, despite made subservient to the white European Kurtz, is the lone native protagonist in the entire text whom Marlow describes as a wild and gorgeous apparition CITATION Con01 \p 86 \l 1033 (Conrad 86). The term apparition connotes African wilderness embodied in the character through her overt expressions of oppressed emotion and tormented identity. The way Marlow experiences her beauty with a mixed feeling of wonder and awe makes the character metaphorically represent the wild Amazonian stereotype. The African Mistress allures Kurtz and despite his European sophistication, she ruined him in the same way as desire for ivory ruins the life of an explorer traveling through the unknown land.However, a close observation of Conrads women character delineation contributes deeper insights to understand the central characters of the text, namely Marlow and Kurtz. The European females, M arlows old aunt and Kurtzs Intended, though differ by age share similar kind of vague and lofty ideals about colonialism. Marlow is the great savior to his aunt and Kurtzs Intended believes that her noble-hearted husband is in a noble mission to save the world. This belief has led the Aunt to manage job for Marlow and for the Intended it is this belief which reminds her about Kurtz even after one year of his death. The ignorance of reality is the psychic penury CITATION Str01 \p 179 \l 1033 (Straus 179) of Intended helps to keep up Kurtzs heroism. Conrad consciously extends his novel to the meeting of Marlow and Intended as this episode becomes a commentary on colonial politics of warship and male heroism. The meeting proves to be the revelation to Marlow who, being a disillusioned man of the colonial realities could not help but indulge her alternate reality CITATION Hag95 \p 51 \l 1033 (Hagen 51). The meeting culminates into the end of Marlows enlightenment where Intended bec omes the face of what colonization has really intended. Though marginalized, the character of Intended significantly adds meaning to the central theme of the text.Coming to Frankenstein, we find female protagonists represented through three male narrators with their three different narrative perspectives. Representation of Women characters through male eyes and their portrayal through male perception give them little space in the narrative and their function is reduced to mere conduits for men's relations with other men" CITATION Knu12 \p 13 \l 1033 (Knudsen 13). The story places Margaret Saville, sister of Robert Walton, as a medium to familiar us with the friendship between Walton and Victor Frankenstein and her presence is only recognized as a mediator, as a mere communication tool between these two male characters. Readers comprehend her through Walton and she never heard to voice back. Caroline Beaufort, Elizabeth Lavenza, Justine Moritz, and Agatha De Lacey never escape the destiny of stereotypical woman. Like Margaret, Caroline is portrayed as a devoted daughter, perfect woman, a guardian angel all through Victors perception. Her role as a caregiver is emphasized to the extent of her death which can be seen as metaphorically representing the issue of childbirth death. Elizabeth, for whom Caroline dies, is a gift to Victor given to him by his parents decides the way she would uphold the traditional female image.However, scholars interpret this characteristic silence...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Primary Difference Between Classroom And Online Classes

The primary difference between classroom and online classes is attending class in the classroom with a pre-set schedule. It is a lot easier to attend class online with a busy schedule. You can log on anytime you are available and watch videos, work on homework or discussions. If you had to attend classes, you would have to watch a live lecture in the classroom at a set time. That is the thing I love about Bethel is that I can do it when I have time. During my research, I noticed that the article talked about not having interaction with other students being a problem with online learning because you are not getting direct contact with instructors and classmates. Bethel has come up with a way to compromise that problem. I’ve learned that Bethel uses the discussion post and respond for the students to interact with one another. It may not be face to face or immediate feedback but it is a way for students to interact with each other. There are a few more differences between online learning and classroom setting. With online learning you have less tuition, a plus which is no commute to school and fewer fees. You do not have to purchase all those textbooks with Bethel, they have a huge online library where you as a student have access to all of the online books. (May, R.) Although the online schools and traditional settings have some differences, there main goal is the same. To provide students with an educational experience that enables them to grow in their chosen fieldShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Computerized System Learning?1688 Words   |  7 Pagesof technology in the classroom and in higher education, the learning in the classroom started with someone writing on a chalkboard and then posing a question or making a statement, also known as the chalk and talk method. That was the norm. Today that has changed. Technology and Computerized Systems learning has made learning on the university level more convenient and accessible then ever. To begin let’s start when â€Å"technology† was first getting integrated into the classroom setting. In 1890 theRead MoreArticle Summary: Read-Only Participants: a Case for Student Communication in Online Classes980 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication in Online Classes As technology advances more and more, computers and internet have become more accessible, affordable, and ever so popular in recent times. With easy accessibility to internet, the online learning environment is a growing trend. Schools all over the nation offer online programs and fast earning degrees. Students from different demographics and age groups fill online classrooms making it even more popular. However, with such diversity in the classroom how does the instructorRead MoreTechnology And Its Benefits For Students Learning Essay1517 Words   |  7 Pagesimportance of chemistry is that students should be able to make connections between concepts of chemistry and their applications and show an understanding of the role chemistry plays in the world around them. This research aims to develop a database for teachers to consult and develop uses for technology for different unit standards. This research will examine whether technology is being used to its full potential in science classrooms. The issue many believe in today’s education system in New Zealand isRead MoreEducation Is The Important Part Of Life Since Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pagesof people in the world do not have a chance to go to school. For instance, in Africa, according to the USAID Center reports that as of 2005, â€Å"40% of school-age children in Africa do not attend primary school and there are still 46 million school-age African children who have never stepped into a classroom.† Moreover, politics play a significant part in fanning the flames of extremism, but widespread poverty, high unemployment rates, and a lack of equal educational opportunities for girls are alsoRead MoreThe Use Of Online Discussion Boards ( Odbs )1682 Words   |  7 PagesThe use of online discussion boards (ODBs) in undergraduate and graduate curriculum has increased as technology permeates daily life. Learning material is no longer being transmitted solely via the traditional lecture format (Bil lings and Halstead, 2012). The widespread development of technology, especially in the areas of high-speed internet, social media, and communication, allows educators from many disciplines to implement new and innovative teaching strategies to promote student learning andRead MoreEducation Is An Important Part Of Life Since1563 Words   |  7 Pagesthat as of 2005, â€Å"40% of school-age children in Africa do not attend primary school and there are still 46 million school-age African children who have never stepped into a classroom.† Moreover, politics play a significant part in fanning the flames of extremism, but widespread poverty, high unemployment rates, and a lack of equal educational opportunities for girls are also important elements. In addition, the traditional classes are not â€Å"one-size-fits-all† for everyone. For example, some studentsRead MoreCollege Distance Education Courses : Evaluating Benefits And Costs From Institutional, Faculty And Students Perspectives Written By Essay1482 Words   |  6 Pagesits students with the incredibly useful competence that comes with being computer savvy. I was so certain I would fail my first online class for a number of reasons, but the primary reason was that I thought the program required for the class was too difficult to operate. It took hundreds of trial and error mouse clicks before I could navigate through my digital classroom efficiently. Like any other subject, learning it takes time. Distance education provides its students with more than one opportunityRead MoreThe Importance Of High School Experience1647 Words   |  7 Pagesits form and function. Yet, despite such struggles, it goes about its primary duty of educating the young citizens of our nation.† (Erb). It is 4 years long, and starts from the 9th grade to the 12th. This is the four years that most people have experienced. Where students are taught the general core classes. The general College experience can vary, because every student has their own Major, which determines how many years, classes, they need to obtain that degree. Going to college can range from 2Read MoreThe Learning Environment Of For Online Instruction1513 Words   |  7 Pagespractices are installing the correct learning content management system, consistency, targeted audience, creation of a team for social communications, training, and encouragement for all stakeholders. Electronics is the learning environment of for online instruction. All of these empirical discussions involved collaboration and learner participation. After all, eLearning is fundamental. Part One : Articles According to the researchers Sultan, Woods, Koo (2011) digital learning is a constructivistRead MoreCase for Student Communication in Online Classes1246 Words   |  5 PagesArticle Summary: Case for Student Communication in Online Classes. 7/30/2013 â€Å"Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, the way we live, and the way we learn.† (Maddix; 2010). During these recent years web- based learning has gained so much popularity that, online courses enrolments continue to climb, but retention and completion rates in such courses and programs are lower than traditional classroom schooling. Because of these problems educators have looked into the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mental Health Archives of Suicide Research

Question: Discuss about the Mental Health for Archives of Suicide Research. Answer: The sexual minorities in the society represented by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersexual people are plagued with several problems. They are often discriminated against, face abuse, encounter social stigma, and even pay disparities at work. Poor acceptance of their sexual preferences at home, at work and in the community makes them more likely to suffer from mental health problems, such as, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and self harm. When coupled with problems of poverty, young age, belonging to an ethnic minority, lack of education, an unstable job their insecurities are likely to be more severe, leading to mental health problems that drive them towards committing suicides. Statistics Alarming statistics come to light when the LGBTI are surveyed for attempts or thoughts of suicide. Thoughts of suicide have been reported by 15.7% of bisexual, lesbian and gay Australians while 20% of trans have had episodes of suicidal ideation. Almost 50% of the trans population has attempted suicide at some point in their lives (Facts and stats about suicide in Australia, 2014). Australians those who report same sex attraction may have 14 times higher rates of suicide attempts as compared to the heterosexual majority (Rosenstreich, 2013). In Australia, most research papers point at the high rate of suicidal behaviour among the sexual minorities but there are no population studies specifically for the LGBTI (Skerrett, Klves, De Leo, 2015). The likelihood of LGBTI person of attempting suicide is five times more than heterosexual people. They are twice as likely to cause self-harm than their heterosexual peers (Morris, 2016). The LGBTI are healthy and capable of living fulfilling lives on the personal and professional front. But the discrimination and attitudes of homophobia against their sexual orientation makes them prone to several mental health disorders. People with sexual orientation other than heterosexual encounter social stigma at home, at school, at work and in the community. They are discriminated against and often people are prejudiced against them. One of the first and most shocking rejection is encountered at home when individuals from sexual minorities face rejection from parents and family. They grow up in a hostile environment and are subjected to bullying and harassment at school. Institutional and personal discrimination occur repeatedly and are commonly referred to as gay-related stress and minority stress. Rejection by parents and family can increase the risk of suicide by up to eight times compared to individuals who have a more accepting family or parents. Lack of support from the family, parents discouraging atypical-gender behaviour and abuse at the hands of family are known to induce suicidal ideation among adolescents. The discrimination and hate crimes that target people on the basis of sexual orientation cause a higher incidence of mood disorders, anxiety and even substance abuse. Legislations in favour of gay marriages are quite recent and have caused considerable depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse among the LGBTI populations. It is understood that social recognition of same sex relationships and a legal stamp on marriages between individuals of the same sex is likely to reduce discrimination against them. Acceptance by the family and society can lead to better health outcomes for lesbians and gays. Stable family life in a legally approved marriage improves the prospects of a healthier life, better psychological health and better acceptance in the family and society (Buffie, 2011). Negative attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS are not uncommon. When the patient is gay the problems of social stigma and discrimination are even greater. The patient has to deal with health issues due to the disease and face societal stressors. They face isolation not only from the larger society but also from HIV negative gay men. Coupled with the need to adhere to a long term regimen of treatment leaves this group t a higher risk of suicide (Haas, et al., 2011; Smit, et al., 2012). Before the gay movement began, mental health issues were so common among the LGBTI community that the common perception was to view their sexuality itself as a form of mental illness. A large contribution of the acceptance of the gay movement was to dismantle this belief. Homophobic abuse is more likely to be targeted at younger men and they are more likely to be assaulted. The impact of homophobia is likely to impact those men more who have little support from their families, have received lesser education. Factors such as poverty and racism are also likely to impact the mental health of some gay men more than the others (Hickson, /mental-health-inequalities-gay-bisexual-men/, 2016 ; Hickson, Davey, Reid, Weatherburn, Bourne, 2016). Mental health disorders are associated with high risk for suicidal behaviour. There is a higher risk of suicides among the LGBTI than the general population because they are more likely to suffer from major depression, alcohol or substance abuse, and generalized anxiety disorder. The risk is higher among m. than in women(Haas, et al., 2011). Remaining connected with the family after disclosure, adult caring and school safety are important factors in preventing suicide among adolescent LGB. The health disparities for the people from sexual minorities do not end with social stressors from the family and community that cause them considerable mental agony to be suffering from a variety of mental health issues. The access to healthcare and treatment of the mental afflictions caused due to society's misunderstanding of their sexual orientation as unnatural is also compromised. Primary health care and end of life care for the LGBTI may often marginalise them further. In a study on the deficiencies in care a number of obstacles were observed. Social isolation and discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people by health and aged care providers stemmed from the latter's lack of knowledge about legal provisions that protect people from the sexual minorities (Cartwright, Hughes, Lienert, 2012). Oppression on a day-to-day basis can lead to severe mental and physical health problems. The overall sense of well-being is also compromised. Some of these are cause d due to a lifetime of encountering abuse, several times from strangers (National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being, 2007). Although the awareness and understanding of the LGBT has undergone a sea-change in the last two decades, largely due to the sociocultural shift brought about by the gay revolution and the advent of the HIV/AIDS. But problems of mental health persist. Public and social recognition of the community has not succeeded in removing prejudices completely. There are three processes that cause stress. The first is the objective stressor that occurs due to direct victimistion or prejudice, when the victim anticipates rejection and remains vigilant about expectations of adverse behaviour and the process of internalisation of negative experiences. Whether a person will be able to balance risk and resilience depends on how interpersonal interactions and intrapersonal resources balance each other (Hatzenbuehler M. , 2009). Persons belonging to the sexual minorities may often face barriers in getting access to health insurance coverage and may be deterred from seeking medical help.The fear of stigmatistion prevents them from sharing their health care needs from the physicians. The fear of negative attitude towards the LGBTI is not without reason. There are health professionals who fail to develop a relationship of trust because they do noy understand people from this community. Substandard care provision and the fear of confidentiality may often become roadblocks, particularly if the patient is seeking treatment for mental health issues (Quinn, et al., 2015). There is evidence that anti-bullying policies reduce the incidence of suicides in gay and lesbian students. The key lies in fostering an atmosphere that is inclusive and understands the rights of the LGBTI people in the society(Hatzenbuehler Keyes, 2013). In Australia prevention of suicide among the LGBTI is a work in progress, through organisations such as, beyondblue and Headspace. But reaching out to the target population has not been easy. The main concerns of the LGBTI people - fear of discrimination and the fear of their confidentiality being breached remain to be addressed. These unresolved issues have either kept them away from seeking help or delayed access that causes their symptoms and suffering to worsen. Suicides among adolescents and youth are a public health concern and often the impulsiveness of youth contributes to the problem. In a longitudinal evaluation that compared the risk factors in general population with that of the LGBTI-specific factors, not much difference was observed (Liu Mustanski, 2012). Another study examines whether religion plays a protective role in LGBTI persons. But it was found that the anti-homosexuality stance preached by religion leaves the LGBT with sense of confusion about religious beliefs (Gibbs, 2015). Sensitization of mainstream health services for mental health treatment of the LGBTI people is important so that the facilities can be accessed by those who need and seek help to treat suicide ideation. Barriers of discrimination and prejudice should be removed by providing adequate training to the healthcare staff. Suicide prevention services need to be made aware of the fears of the gay, lesbian and transgender patients. In order to portray the healthcare as appropriate for the LGBTI people it is important to display posters, notice boards and images that depict the organisation as being sensitive to their needs. Doing so will make it easier for the patients to access healthcare with more confidence and reduce their fear of being discriminated against (Rosenstreich, 2013). Social determinants of mental health that lead to suicidal tendencies encountered by the LGBTI should be focussed upon. The health outcomes need to be reached through focus on tackling suicide ideation, homophobia, transphobia and the social stigma that surrounds the existence of LGBTI people. Interpersonal encounters at the healthcare facility, socio cultural sensitization of staff and the institution are important while delivering prevention strategies aimed at reduction in suicide. A collaborative approach that includes LGBTI organisations, government agencies, suicide prevention services and the mainstream health services is a must. This will ensure expertise from different domains to work towards the common goal of treating patients with suicidal tendencies. Once initiatives are designed, the inputs from the LGBTI community should be used to device a mechanism of effective healthcare delivery that is sensitive to their needs. Particularly marginalised sections from among the patients should be identified and encouraged to seek treatment. Attachment based family therapy has been found to be effective in the treatment of adolescents exhibiting suicidal behaviour. Mental health treatment that is specifically designed for the LGBTI people appears to be a distant goal. They have to rely on treatment available in the mainstream health care services. Training of mental health care professionals in treating the sexual minorities has now begun. But it will take time to develop specialised services. Work needs to be done to prevent deterioration of the mental health of the sexual minorities due to the various social stressors. Advocacy has now begun to protect the LGBTI persons from violence, hate crimes, bullying at schools, discrimination in housing, at the work place, getting insurance benefits for the spouses and several social discriminatory practices. The need for gay men and lesbian women to hide their reality when serving in the armed forces is one such discriminatory policy (Haas, et al., 2011). Once the need to hide their identity is done away with, better social acceptance, coming out in positive environment where their sexual preferences are treated with respect and dignity is ensured will lead to reduced cases of mental illnesses, reduced societal pressures will lead to better mental health and suicidal behaviour will be seen less often. Prevention of suicides among the LGBTI is an objective that requires changes in the mindsets of mainstream community. Incidence of high rate of suicide among the LGBTI is a problem that stems from the deep rooted social problems faced by them. The mainstream society has largely remained homophobic causing social distress to the sexual minority. To begin with their sexual preferences were labelled as a mental illness. The consequence was severe social oppression of the LGBTI persons that led to mental health problems. Their troubles begin at home when they face rejection from their parents. They suffer from ridicule, bullying, violence, humiliation and physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the mainstream society. The lack of understanding about their sexuality by the their family, peers, co-workers, health professionals makes them vulnerable to mental health issues. Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, suicidal thoughts, attempt to suicide and suicide are the several mental afflictions that plague the LGBTI. The gay revolution has increased public acceptability of the commu nity in society but they still suffer from social stigma. They struggle with finding rental accommodation, finding and retaining jobs, and health insurance for a same sex spouse. Prevention of suicides among the LGBTI is a challenge that calls for better training of healthcare professionals, so that they adopt a sensitized approach and understand the mental health needs of the LGBTI persons. References: Facts and Stats about suicides in Australia. (2014). /facts-and-stats. Retrieved from Buffie, W. (2011). Public Health Implications of Same-Sex Marriage. American Journal of Public Health, 101(6): 986990. Cartwright, C., Hughes, M., Lienert, T. (2012). End-of-life care for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 14(5):537-48. Gibbs, J. (2015). Religious Conflict, Sexual Identity, and Suicidal Behaviors among LGBT Young Adults. Archives of Suicide Research, 19(4): 472488. Haas, A., Eliason, M., Mays, V., Mathy, R., Cochran, S., D'Augelli, A., Ros, M. (2011). Suicide and Suicide Risk in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations: Review and Recommendations. Journl of Homosexuality, 58(1), 1051. Hatzenbuehler, M. (2009). How does sexual minority stigma "get under the skin"? A psychological mediation framework. Psychological Bulletin, 135(5):707-30. Hatzenbuehler, M., Keyes, K. (2013). Inclusive anti-bullying policies and reduced risk of suicide attempts in lesbian and gay youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(1 Suppl):S21-6. Hickson, F. (2016, August 13). /mental-health-inequalities-gay-bisexual-men/. Retrieved from Hickson, F., Davey, C., Reid, D., Weatherburn, P., Bourne, A. (2016). Mental health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England, Scotland and Wales: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. Journal of Public Health, 1-8. Liu, R., Mustanski, B. (2012). Suicidal ideation and self-harm in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(3):221-8. Morris, S. (2016, July). /snapshot-mental-health-suicide-prevention-statistics-lgbti-people/. Retrieved from Quinn, G. P., Sanchez, J. A., Sutton, S., Vadaparampil, S., Nguyen, G., Green, L., Schabath, M. (2015). Cancer and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, and Queer/Questioning Populations (LGBTQ). CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 65(5): 384400. National Survey of Mental Health and Well being. (2007). 43260_2007.pdf. Retrieved from$File/43260_2007.pdf Rosenstreich, G. (2013). /bw0258-lgbti-mental-health-and-suicide-2013-2nd-edition.pdf?sfvrsn=2. Retrieved from Skerrett, D., Klves, K., De Leo, D. (2015). Are LGBT populations at a higher risk for suicidal behaviors in Australia? Research findings and implications. Journal of Homosexuality, 62(7), 883-901. Smit, P., Brady, M., Carter, M., Fernandes, R., Lamore, L., Meulbroek, M., Thompsonb, M. (2012). HIV-related stigma within communities of gay men: A literature review. AIDS Care, 24(3-4): 405412.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Possibility of Evil Essay Example For Students

The Possibility of Evil Essay Must contradictory personalities get the best of us? The Possibility of Evil, a short story by Shirley Jackson focused on the odd behavior of Miss Strangeworth. Though Miss Strangeworth does not changed throughout the story, people just does not know how awful she is. As a lonely woman, Miss Strangeworth has written small notes filled with cruelty toward her towns folks throughout the story. Miss Strangeworth enjoyed writing awful letters to her neighbors, showing her jealous personality towards her neighbors. After thinking for a minute, although she had been phrasing the letter in the back of her mind all the way home, she wrote on a pink sheet: DIDNT YOU EVER SEE AN IDIOT CHILD BEFORE? SOME PEOPLE JUST SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDREN SHOULD THEY? She was pleased with the letter. We will write a custom essay on The Possibility of Evil specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I suppose Miss Strangeworth wrote this letter because deep down, she does not have a family and by letting this person feel terrible, it supposedly makes herself feel better. Maybe if Miss Strangeworth was a little more outgoing she might find the things she want in life. She selected a green sheet this time and wrote quickly: HAVE YOU FOUND OUT YET WHAT THEY WERE ALL LAUGHING ABOUT AFTER YOU LEFT THE BRIDGE CLUB ON THURSDAY? OR IS THE WIFE REALLY ALWAYS THE LAST ONE TO KNOW? Again, Miss Strangeworth wrote another nasty letter to one of her neighbors. I think that she wrote another letter since she is lonely and while this neighbor has a husband, she does not Miss Strangeworth yet again wants this person to feel unfortunate. This uncharacteristic behavior seems capable to hurting people and it may hurt Miss Strangeworth. Writing bitterness letters to her neighbors were just one part to her entertainment, she also has an amusement of thinking of the people who are reading her letters. She had been writing her letterssometimes two to three every day for a week, sometimes no more than one in a monthfor the past year. Miss Strangeworths behavior of writing these letters never stopped, as you can tell she was practically obsessed writing these negative letters. I think Miss Strangeworth has so many things that she desires, and the fact that she cannot acquire these desires makes her gloomy and discourteous. Miss Strangeworth awakened the next morning with a feeling of intense happiness and, for a minute wondered why, and then remembered that this morning three people would open her letters. Her enjoyment toward this insolence is upsetting to me because I think it is just strange and cruel. Miss Strangeworth has gotten used to writing these letters that instead of having a guilty conscience about this spiteful activity, this hobby is giving her pleasure. As an elderly, lonely woman, Miss Strangeworths letters are a sign of revenge since the towns people are making her envious because of her lack of her desires. Last, I must say that even while Miss Strangeworths mischief was obnoxious, her personality still remained the same. My judgment is that Miss Strangeworth jealousy and criticism is due to her loneliness. This odd, dire character from, The Possibility of Evil is jealous because she does not have want she wants. If Miss Strangeworth will never stop doing her mischief, Miss Strangeworths sign of desire will be continuing to hurt her.